Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Construction workers on the highway to Calgary

Rock. They actually get shit done. Amazing. No, "5 guys standing around like idiots" aka the sea to sky highway improvement from Whistler to Vancouver. I'm impressed. This road is going to be just about perfect once completed. Amazing improvement from leaving for Paris, to coming back 10 days later.

Liquor lady at the cold beer store... part deux

I've been in Paris and Amsterdam for the past 10 days, hence no updates. Anyway, apon arrival, after a 24 hour trip back to Fernie, the liquor store woman has had a full on additude ajustment. Ultra friendly. What gives?

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Good Food On the Cheap

So, a month or so living here, and we've been trying out all of the local restaurants and bars. 3 stand out on the cheap end of the scale.:

#1 Ginger Beef Chinese Restaurant kicks much ass. Really, really good food, amazing service, great prices and huge portions.

#2 Fernie Hotel and Pub tasty basic pub fare, great service (except on weekends when it tends to become packed), cheap, and an awesome place to check out all of the quirky locals. All you need is a beer/glass of wine, some nachos, and it's people watching galore.

#3 El Guapo Mexican Diner Solid mexican chow, and super cool atmosphere. Plus, there is a world class snowboard shop (The Edge of the World) in the same building. Genius.

Next, great food, not so on the cheap :)

Monday, September 6, 2010

Shaw in Fernie. SUCKS.

What a clusterfuck of bullshit with this company. Check it: we ordered two hd cable units around 2 weeks ago. The guy was supposed to come on Tuesday. Shows up on Monday at 8 am, with one unit. Goes back to get a second, and then informs us that neither of them is HDMI lol.

Too funny. Now he's gone again, to get HD units.

edit: Okay, it's not the tech guy's fault, he was actually awesome, it's just the customer support. They are the ones that screwed everything up, this guy is running around all morning trying to get the right components, etc. They should promote him. I just needed to vent


The Downhill Bike Park closes for the season at the End of Today.

This park is definitely different than Whistler. Not as smooth, more technical than balls out speed. The chairlift situation is pretty retarded. I suppose we'll get used to it, but hanging your bike at the back of the lift and then dodging the next lift seems slightly idiotic.

Here's to the coming of winter and the snowboard/ski season!!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Ducks at one pond, Fish in another.

We've been exploring in and around Fernie (we live in the "historic downtown'), and two cool things that you should check out. First, the Annex pond. Ducks going crazy, super tame, and they love getting the bread crumbs. Also, no one around at all. Bring your six pack.

Second easiest walking distance (from downtown) to a body of water, is Maiden Lake. Little fish everywhere, and wow, do these little guys love the bread crumbs. Scary little fuckers. You can swim in this lake, but again, very few people around.

next: good food on the cheap.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

"The Liquor Store" - Cold Beer and Wine. Nasty Service.

So we've only been here a couple of weeks, but something is already really sticking in my craw. The lady that works at the liquor store (cold beer and wine, not the BC liquor store right beside it, which I have nothing but good things to say about), near Overwaitea on 2nd ave.

The woman won't look at you, ignores any courtesies, and actually throws your credit card back at you. I could see if this was an isolated incident, but it's every time. Total bitch. Stay away from this place at all costs whenever you come to visit Fernie.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Good Bye Whistler, Hello Fernie, BC

Well, we just moved to Fernie. A couple of weeks ago in fact, after 7 years in Whistler, BC, Canada. The pricing on Real Estate has seriously tanked (duh), so it was a good time to make a move. We're grooving Fernie, much more laid back, without a lot of the attitude that comes part and parcel with living in Whistler.

The local paper is boring as hell though, and since I'm retired at the ripe old age of 37, I thought I would start a blog about Fernie, something to do between downhill biking and snowboarding. No punches pulled.

Still getting all the moving in details finished, but I am going to start posting various random shit regardless. So if you want to know about a new local's perspective, who has lived in Both Banff and Whistler, bookmark it :)
